Thursday, 15 October 2009

And so I return...

Returning from holidays is always disappointing. The days have gone by much too quickly and now it feels as though there was no holiday at all and those relaxing fun days are a distant memory.

I have only been back in Sydney (and back at work) one day and already I am yearning to return to Queensland and those lovely, unstructured, relaxing days where the biggest decsion to make is "will Ihave breakfast, brunch or skip straight over to lunch...?"

I guess it makes us appreciate the days that we do have away from work and the daily grind....I just wish they lasted a little longer!

The depressing sight that greeted me this morning!


AJ said...

ho hum!! not long til christmas....
cute photos i spy there on the wall!

Cee said... babies watch over me everyday! Makes me miss them though!
