Thursday, 8 October 2009

Why does sleep elude me...???

as in in I can't sleep!!!

i have never been a very good sleeper but tonight I just cannot go to sleep. Lying in bed in the dark for 2hours has failed to induce even the smallest chance of drifting off.

Don't know what is going on.!! sleep for years and then be woken by a handsome prince....what bliss!

Not quite the same as finally drifting into an unfitful sleep for 2 hours to then be woken by a half asleep J rolling over and hitting me in the face (trying to turn off the alarm!)

Some how those two senarios don't quite compare!

(I do have to put in a little foor note here otherwise I will never hear the end of it...AJ I realise you are probably on less sleep than me having a 2 month old to deal with!)

MWAH! xxoo

1 comment:

AJ said...

No actually I get lots of sleep...just not much done during the day!
