Friday, 6 February 2015

Word for the Month: Prepare

For many, especially those going back to school, January was the month to prepare. Prepare books, prepare uniforms, prepare lunches and prepare to send off their little ones, some for the very first time. 

But for me, February is my month to prepare. Prepare for changes and challenges. Prepare myself mentally and prepare myself physically. 

To me, being prepared means being organised. I did a lot of organising in January, mainly due to the arrival of the remainder of my stuff/junk from storage. 

Who knew I had accumulated so much!! Due to moving around and bring quite transient these last few years I had not realised that I had so much...stuff. And that's what it is. Stuff. Of course there is useful stuff and rubbish stuff and fun stuff and even stuff that belongs to others. But there it all is....stuff. 

So now the challenge is to weed out the rubbish and somehow get the rest into our house. Thankfully I have a very understanding Gorgeous Man (GM) who is very (ok, somewhat) tolerant of me almost completely taking over the various storage spaces in our house. I have even...gasp...used some space in the shed!!!

As I said, I have got a bit organised including my fabrics and my crafting supplies but there is still a ways to go.

My goal is to use the month of Feb to finish off my organising so I can be prepared when things start getting crazy (crazier...?)

The other side of my preparedness is to prepare myself mentally. This means getting back into my meditation and reconnecting spiritually. 

I feel I have been been neglecting this aspect of my life for some time now and I am suffering for it. 

And lastly, I need to prepare physically. After spending nearly three years in a mining camp and the last year loved up in a new relationship, my healthy eating and exercise regime has been somewhat lax. So, back to the gym we go....

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