For as long as I could remember my favourite companion was a book. Whenever we would go out I would take a book with me and my mother takes great joy in retelling a story of how, instead of cleaning my room or doing jobs, she would find me hiding in a cupboard with a torch and a book.
I reread favourite books over and and over again, the characters like old friends that I am visiting. When at other peoples houses I am drawn to their bookshelves to see what they have. The merest whiff of a book store piques my interest and I have to be quite strict on myself to curb my spending.
One of the most recent books I have read is 'The Great Zoo of China' by Matthew Reilly.
It is amazing. It is Matthew Reilly in all his glorious, action packed splendour. It is not a book that can be read casually. Picked up and put down on multiple occasions, a few pages here, a chapter there. It is a book to be devoured. To be inhaled in great chunks. It is a book that required you to turn off your phone, lock your doors and assemble snacks because there is no way you want to put it down for any reason.
Like all of Matthew Reilly's books it is well researched, action packed and wonderfully written, with just a hint of the fantastical. As soon as I had finished, I want to flip back to page one and start again.
That is the mark of a truly great read.