Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Easter Long Weekend

Easter weekend for me meant camping. It has been such a long time since I have been camping. I’m talking years! But it was just as I remember....fun! It was the best weekend I have had in a long time. The spot where we were was picture perfect. It was so relaxing just lying by the dam and reading. Sigh...bliss.

The view from my tent



While camping I became the fire master and was responsible for building and maintaining the fire while we were there. I have never got to build the fire by myself before and I think I did a dam good job of it!!

It created some perfect coals for toasted marshmallows (Is there anything better in the world...????)

Camping also includes fishing, which I have discovered I am awesome at!!! I lost two lures and created a massive birds nest by getting the line tangled up! On the plus side I did learn to drive he boat which I LOVED! I am definitely getting my boat licence now.  
Me and my line tangle

Fishing and driving the boat...talk about multitasking!
The Easter break also meant lots of reading for me, which is great for the 100+ challenge. I finished 3 books over the break. Whoop!
Home Sweet Tent - relaxing.....ahhhhh


LorenaDale said...

Look at those legs woman!!

AJ said...

Looks like lots of fun! Must ring for a chat soon! ooxx
