Sunday, 23 January 2011

Spotlight Shopping

I went Spotlight shopping today. For me Spotlight shopping is not something i do lightly. I always end up spending more than I plan to so a Spotlight shopping trip requires some pre-planned budgeting.

It is so much fun though. I am really loving having the sewing machine out and making stuff.

I went in search of some fabric to make this apron with in-built pot-holders that I found on The Mother Huddle. I fell in love with this fabric.

It is a Moda fabric, which AJ was horrified that I bought beautiful quilting fabric to make a kitchen apron, but I don't care I love this fabric. I got the coordinating purple for the pot-holders and the other striped one just because I loved it. I'll find something to make with is later.

I also bought a cutting mat, quilters ruler and rotary cutter. I love the rotary cutter. I'm not very good at cutting straight so for me it is a godsend.


Car said...

LOL... Wonder what AJ would think of me using quilting fabric for kids clothes???

Love the fabric, think it will make a stunning apron!

AJ said...

I did not say that!!

I use them for Aden's clothes!
