Today I got a lovely surprise. Actually two lovely surprises. They were text messages from friends, out of the blue. Just simple text messages saying they were thinking of me and checking I was ok. This may not sound exciting or even particularly special to some people but this morning I was feeling a little bit down and the fact that at least two people in this world were thinking about me and wishing me good things truly meant a lot to me and made me feel a whole lot better.
Getting those two message of love and friendship cheered me up immensely and so I felt I owed it to the universe to pass on those good feelings to others. In my own small way of paying it forward, I sent messages to two friends I haven't seen in a while, wishing them happiness and love.
If there is one thing in this world that we could all do with more of it is love and friendship and today I felt truly blessed that I have so much of it in my life, without even realising it. I would call that a positive moment...
I feel like my life has been worryingly short of positive moments in the recent months so this particular moment carried more weight than perhaps it would have at a different time in my life. I am very thankful for my family, my friends and those around me that support and carry me, even when they don't realise it.